Chiropractic Central

How to start your week feeling empowered

Feeling empowered is essentially the opposite of feeling powerless. Feeling empowered is knowing that you are in control of what is going on, can make confident decisions, and trust yourself. We know this doesn’t always come naturally, which is why we wanted to focus on this for the month of March. We specifically wanted to

How Our Team ‘Self Love’

Glowing love hearts

Here at Chiropractic Central we love the month of Valenspines, however we think it should be just as much about loving yourself as well as others. Taking the time to nurture and care for ourselves is of vital importance and this month, hear from our team on how we ‘self love’………   India Warsop – Chiro


Here are our Top 10 Tips to start your 2022 STRONG!   REMEMBER CHIROPRACTIC MAKES YOU STRONGER! Lose your Limiting Beliefs Here’s one of the most profound short stories I’ve ever read. The author of it is unknown, but its message is of utmost importance. As my friend was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped,

How to get silly in the silly season

We are coming up to the end of this crazy year and with the festive season upon us it is definitely a time we all deserve to relax and unwind. We want you to enjoy the scrumptious foods, enjoy the desserts, enjoy the drinks and enjoy all the moments! Here are a few tips to

Simple ways to up your nutrition game

Thinking about nutrition, there can be confusing messages out there, and it’s difficult to know what to listen to. To keep things simple and get you started in the right direction, our nutritionist, Alice, has put together some food for thought on making food choices! 1. Focus on what works for you, not the latest

Seven tips for being good in bed

Sleep well

Let’s face it; being good in bed is every body’s dream. What happens under the covers is a cornerstone for living a long and fulfilled life. So, let’s make those dreams a reality. In an optimal health situation, we need to be sleeping for 7-8 hours. That is one third of our day hence ONE

Standing Tall or Sitting Small

Take a Stand on Sitting Down! According to Cornell University, up to 90% more pressure is placed on your back when you sit compared to when you stand up!! This is due to the cascade of postural events that happen when you sit, compared to standing. Just stop and think for a moment what that


Coming in to the colder months of the year we often find that we are coming down with more sniffles and coughs, colds and flus, so we wanted to provide you with some strategies that you can do which will help your body be stronger to withstand and fight them off.  ⚡️Get your spine and


You may have heard some people say that Sitting is the new Smoking.  Well, in terms of your posture, joints and spinal health… it is!!   Scientists now see movement as an essential ‘nutrient’,  essential for joint health, mental health and general health.     So why is movement so important?  And, what can YOU do